Everything you need to know about MSUD – .Maple Syrup Urine Disease MSUD can be treatable if your child receives a newborn...
ZB Blog

Key ingredients to running a successful charity in Pakistan
By Danielle WilsonIn blog
Mr. Ali Javed Naqvi is the Chairman of The ZB Foundation and along with the dedicated team in Pakistan, he...

Preventing Congenital Hypothyroidism by Newborn Screening
By Danielle WilsonIn blog
There are many children in Pakistan who happen to suffer from a thyroid gland disorder called Congenital Hypothyroidism. She may...

The ZB Foundation’s Geographical Coverage
By Danielle WilsonIn blog
Over the past year The ZB Foundations team have been working continuously to spread awareness on the importance of providing...

1000 New Born Screening Tests.
By Danielle WilsonIn blog
The ZB Foundation are so excited to announce that we have officially tested over 1000 babies with new born screening in Pakistan....

The ZB Foundation – Connection with the Rare Diseases Day
By Danielle WilsonIn blog
Rare diseases include metabolic and genetic disorders. Their treatment, screening tests and diagnosis facilities are not available commonly in Pakistan....